The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) is a non-profit, non-political organization incorporated in the state of Maryland in 1990.
Our mission is to promote research, publications, and scholarly discussion on the Cuban economy in its broadest sense, including on the social, economic, legal, and environmental aspects of a transition to a free market economy and a democratic society in Cuba. ASCE is committed to a civil discussion of all points of view.
Affiliated with the American Economic Association and the Allied Social Sciences Association of the United States, ASCE maintains professional contacts with economists inside Cuba —whether independent or associated with the Cuban government— who are interested in engaging in scholarly discussion and research.
The Board of Directors, elected by the membership for a two-year period, meets monthly. Its officers, who reside in different cities of the United States, Latin America, and Europe, serve in a pro-bono, voluntary capacity. Since ASCE’s inception, Board positions have been occupied by professors, engineers, lawyers, individuals in government service and multilateral organizations, and in business enterprises.
Period: 2022-2023
ASCE Board of Directors is elected by its members for a two-year period. Board members, who reside in different U.S. cities, serve pro-bono.
Luis Locay, ASCE President and Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Miami
Gary Maybarduk, previous ASCE President and United States Foreign Service, retired
Lorenzo L. Perez, ASCE Secretary, and retired economist
Sergio Diaz-Briquets, Demographer and Private Consultant
Rogelio Luis de la Torre, Political Scientist, retired
Natalia Delgado, Attorney, Director of the Cuban Capacity Building Project at Columbia Law School
Larry Cata Backer, Professor of Law and International Affairs at Pennsylvania State University
Jorge Esquirol, Law Professor at Florida International University Law School
Ricardo Torres Perez, Economist, Research and Faculty Fellow at American University of Washington, DC
Pavel Vidal, Economics Professor at the Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Colombia
Mauricio de Miranda Parrondo, Economics Professor at the Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Colombia
Juan Tomas Sanchez, non-voting ASCE Board member, a retired engineer
Juan T Sánchez is Treasurer (since 01/01/2022)
ASCE may be reached via e-mail at: ASCECuba@gmail.com
Standing Committees and Their Membership​
Conference Program: Jorge Pérez-López, Joaquin Pujol, Silvia Pedraza
Student Prize: Mario González-Corzo, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Michael Strauss and Enrique Pumar
Proceedings Committee: Jorge Pérez-López, Ricardo Torres Perez, Victoria Locay
American Economic Association (AEA) Session Coordinator: John Devereux
Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Session Coordinator: Silvia Pedraza
Cuban Research Institute (CRI), FIU Coordinator: Luis Locay
Carlos Díaz-Alejandro Lecture: Luis Locay
Blog (https://ascecubadatabase.org/category/asce-cuba-blog-post/): Luis R. Luis
ASCE Past Presidents
Two-year terms:
Felipe Pazos, Banco Nacional de Cuba, Former President (ex-officio)
Roger Betancourt, University of Maryland
Jorge F. Pérez-López, U. S. Department of Labor
Armando M. Lago, Ecosometrics, Inc.
Antonio Gayoso, Agency for International Development
Lorenzo Pérez, International Monetary Fund (one year term)
Sergio Díaz-Briquets, Casals and Associates (one year term)
Carlos N. Quijano, The World Bank
Beatriz C. Casals, Casals and Associates
Ernesto Hernández-Catá, International Monetary Fund
Armando S. Linde, International Monetary Fund
Jorge A. Sanguinetty, DevTech, Inc.
Rafael Romeu, International Monetary Fund
Ted Henken, Baruch College
Carlos Seiglie, Rutgers University
Helena Solo-Gabriele, University of Miami
Silvia Pedraza, University of Michigan
Comité Ejecutivo
El Comité Ejecutivo de ASCE, elegido por un período de dos años, se reúne mensualmente. Sus miembros, que residen en diferentes ciudades de Estados Unidos, Latinoamérica, y Europa, sirven pro-bono, como voluntarios, en sus cargos. Desde su incepción han servido en el Comité Ejecutivo de ASCE profesores, ingenieros, abogados, funcionarios públicos y de organismos internacionales, y negociantes.
Las comunicaciones a miembros del Comité Ejecutivo pueden dirigirse a: e-mail: ASCECuba@gmail.com