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How to Instruct a Payment (without a PayPal Account)
PayPal payments are not only limited to users who are currently registered on the platform.
Although it is quick and easy to set up an account, if you do not have a PayPal account and need to make a quick or urgent payment, having to sign up for PayPal could potentially be a bottleneck.
This is likely why the financial service allows anyone with a credit or debit card to pay as a guest, this way you will not need to create an account to pay outstanding invoices or online product fees.
If you do not have or can not register for a PayPal account and expect that you may have to make payments via the service, then you could find the following steps useful:

1. Click on the “Pay Checkout” button
Registered PayPal users or merchant accounts can create and send invoices through the platform to request a payment via email.
When a non-PayPal user receives said email or would like to pay for an online product and chose PayPal as their method of payment, they have the option to pay as a guest.
STEP: Click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"

2. Entering your card details
Without a PayPal account, you can only use the following payment options: debit card or credit card.
Keep in mind, however, that you will be prompted to create an account.
Although, if you wish to proceed without one, then simply enter your card details.
As mentioned previously, credit and debit cards are the most costly payment option that PayPal supports.
You must keep in mind that spending a bit of time registering for an account could save you quite a bit of money.
Similarly, you can leave a note to your payee to give them more information about the payment.
STEP: Enter your email address then click "Continue to Payment".

3. Confirmation
Once you have reviewed all the payment information, you can then proceed with the payment.
You will then be notified via email, and you can check your spam inbox if you do not see the receipt over 10 minutes after the payment was made.
STEP: Fill out all the required fields then click "Continue".